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Diana Benea
New Heusler materials with spintronic applications
Project code: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0009
funded by Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation CNCS - UEFISCDI
Contract Nr. 383/10.11.2015
The spectacular development of application in the field of magnetic sensors and memories enhanced the interest for new materials able to optimize the performances of the related devices. In this context, the present project proposes the investigation of the electronic structures and magnetic properties of a several half-metal ferrimagnets of Heusler type. The half metal ferrimagnets with high spin polarization, presenting a Curie temperature above the room temperature would represent an ideal option for magnetoelectronic devices due to the very low energy losses. A special role in the fundamental research included in this project is attributed to the electronic band structure calculations in order to predict the magnetic and electronic properties of half-metal compounds. Complementarily, experimental research is proposed to investigate the compounds, some of them being proposed to be prepared for the first time. The combined approach used by our research team will contribute to understanding the mechanism of half-metallicity and ferrimagnetism within these compounds, driven by the chemical composition and by exchange interactions responsible the magnetic ordering. On the basis of our research, we expect (1) to be able to give predictions of new classes of HMFi materials and (2) to discover new materials with real potential for spintronic applications.
Our general objectives are (1) to obtain and to stabilize new ferrimagnetic compounds with the Curie temperature above the room temperature and high spin polarization, some of them being prepared for the first time, capable to enhance the potential of these groups of compounds in spintronic applications and (2) to be able to understand the mechanism of half-metallicity and ferrimagnetism within these compounds, driven by the chemical composition and by exchange interactions responsible the magnetic ordering, respectively and (3) to be able to give predictions of new classes of HMFi materials by applying the rules derived from (2).
Report on the research activities in 2015
Expected results:
Description of the electronic and magnetic properties
of the Mn2YZ compounds (Y= V, Ti, Cr; Z belongs to III, IV or V main groups
Research Team
Diana Benea - project leader
Teodora Radu-postdoc researcher
Albert Takacs-postdoc researcher
Radu Gavrea-Ph.D. student
Razvan Hirian-Ph.D. student
Izabela Balasz-technician
Report on the research activities in 2016
Expected results:
Description of the electronic and magnetic properties
of the Mn2YZ compounds (Y= V, Ti, Cr; Z belongs to III, IV or V main groups
Description of the electronic and magnetic properties
of the Cr2YZ compounds (Y= Mn, Ti, Co; Z belongs to III, IV or V main groups
Obtained results:
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